Songshan Scenic Area


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Taishique Temple

Shaoshique temple, located at the foot of the Taishishan Mt. of Songshan in Dengfeng city and built first approximately in the second year of Emperor Andi of Eastern Han Dynasty (123 A.D.) was a Shengda que in front of the Shaoshishanmiao temple in Han Dynasty. Shaoshique has been included in the first group of key national protection relics by the State Council in 1961. The two ques of Shaoshique, located symmetrically on both side of Shaoshishanmiao temple, are symbolic gate of Shaoshishanmiao temple. Shaoshique has sculptures and paintings on its walls and there are over well preserved 60 paints whose rich contents have revealed the life of Han Dynasty. The Jiugutu painting in particular has provided testification that modern football game derives from China. The inscriptions of Shaoshique have provided valuable references to study calligraphy and the evolution of Chinese character. In addition, Shaoshique is an important concrete proof for the mountain worship activities in ancient China. Most of all, Shaoshique is a classical building of worship etiquette buildings in ancient China.